
Staff Meeti

Well lookie lookie. How's this for a picture. PT and Jesus! wow

Pathfinders nite out

Well we took some students to Don Carters for a nite of Bowling. it was awesome!!! 10 students and 6 were first timers. We had a blast.


Upcoming Series

Wait a sec! Could this be an upcoming series for Pathfinders? Oh sanp! It is! Can you guess when?


When no one else is around.

How do you worshi? is it in front of everyone? Mabye next to the one you love. Mabye its a quick pryaer in bed, on at work. Mabye its while your driving. Or you worship when no one else is around. however you worship God just remember that He sees it! You are not forgotten.


Fellowship Riders of Christ

Ok so I got an email and phone call from a Pastor named Gary Dixon from a church in Dalas Texas. They have a motercycle ministry called Fellowship Riders They had been to Angola ,yep the Prison, some of the men asked them about getting some large print Bibles to them. So they called around and found a local Christian organization that they bought 6 cases and the organization donated 6 more cases. Then came the problem of finding a way to ship them. While searching for a local Church Pastor Gary came across Healing Place Church. So I get a phone call asking to lend a hand to help get these Bibles to those men. So we hooked up as they were on their bikes going to the Angola Rodeo. Thye are awesome peoples. You should check out their web site Felowship Riders. Thanks for letting me be a part guys. Keep on serving it up.....



Well I was erasing a bunch of pictures and came across this one. God totally moved and The alters ,however small, were full. 3 students gave their heart to Christ and my heart was full. Overloaded with joy I didn't know what to do. So I prayed, and then they prayed. And God and all of His angels smiled at the wonderful sight you see before you.



Last night was awesome! Worship was thick You could definitely feel the presence of God in that place. Then came the game and the meaasge. This is a pic of alter call. 3 girls came up. Two of them being first time visitors. God is definitely real and if you don't know Him you should.


Dats Fo Sho

This is the reason why we do what we do. For OTHERS WHO ARE NOT YET HERE....Amen P Diddy!


Widows Ministry Kick Off

This is us trying to cut some yards but as you all know the Dumb Devil had some other plans. He's always tryin to keep us down. But it aint happinin. We still got food forthem to eat!!!



Ok so Meg wouldn't let me post about our honeymoon while we were there. so here's a few pics I took on my phone. oh and by the way she didn't know where we were going till the last flight from LAX. When they said welcome to your non stop flight to Maui!!! Priceless....

And here is the face I have been waiting for ever since I booked the honeymoon spot.....

Here's some random Omish guy I saw at LAX.

This says it all!!!

Why do I always look like I'm high in every picture. Who says the past won't come back to haunt you?

We finally make it to our destination!!! After 13 hours of airports and flying. It was totaly worth it!