
Big L

Big Daddy L chillen @ the Refuge after party at Sonnys


Dang they got me!!!!

You know I think it's proven that when the congragation likes the Pastor they buy him crosses and stuff. But it's completely diffrent when it's one of the youth pastors. They either role your house or paint your car. I'm convinced it's there way of showing love, and how much they care. So here are a few pics of what happened. After Life University Pastor Timmy and I went to have a very important meeting at Mc Donalds... HAHAH and I returned to find this...

Now I just got this car. Dang I got got!

But it's always sweet to be able to pull rank and

say you have twenty minutes to get up here and

clean this up. Or else!!! It's so sweet when justice is served!


Trimming the Fat

Well today I went to my parents house in Chalmette. It still looks bad down there, but it is improving. I was helping put up some sheet rock. As I was trimming a piece down I felt the Hole Spirit speak to me and say just like your trimming this piece down I am trimming away the fat in your life. Not to say I'm fat or anything. But the extra time I am just doing random things. He wants to take me to a new level. So there are things that He is changing in my life. I thought this was so awesome. I figured I would share my rev with ya'll. Let me know what you think.


Jeremiah 3:16-18 nlt

"And when your land is once more filled with people," says the Lord, "you will no longer wish for the good old days ' when you possessed the Ark of the Lord's Covenant. You will not miss those days or even remember the, and there will be no need to rebuild the Ark. In that day Jerusalem will be known as 'The Throne of the Lord.' All nations will come there to honor the Lord. They will nolonger stubbornly follow their own evil desires. In those days the People of Judah and Israel will return together from exile in the north. They will return to the land I gave their ancestors as an inheritance forever...

Now this is what I felt like God spoke to me when I read this:
When we stop trying to get things back to the way they were. We tend to remember the good times. But the truth is that God wants to do A New Thing in us. So when we stop trying to do what everyone else is doing or what we have done before and do what God has called us to do then we will explode. And it will be incredible. People who would never come to church or maybe did but were hurt would come back because they would see that God is here. And we're not like all the other churches.

So let me know what you think about this. Posy a comment.


Pastor doin his thing

Pastor Mike tarin it up, @ Refuge...

He's a preachin fool

Roots Grads

We just graduated Roots class tonight. These guys diserve mad props

My face isn't really that red... It's just the lighting.

J Kling

My dawg J Kling preached in Dville last night. Thats my dawg!!!


Mr. Larry Brown

We are working with the St. Francisville food bank to help bring in and also distribute food to the needy in the Felecianna area. This is the man who runs the food bank ...

The following are some pictures I took as we were unloading the truck....



I clean the floors for Jesus

The McCain"s

An awesome couple in our Church. I love them...

PT's New Blog

PT startin a blog.... Watch out now...

Wait Are They? No they can't be can they?

Awww there so cute... The question everyone wants to know is Are They Dating? Who knows.....

Workin Hard

Da Man workin hard in Franny


The Refuge After Party @ Sunny's Pizza

For those of you that don't know.

This is my girl...