
Fat Dog

Her real name is Shelby. But I call her Fat Dog. Not really sure why I posted about her just thought it was kinda interesting. Yep well thats all I have to say about that!!!


New Addition to the Family

Well this is our new additon to the family. I named her lady. Shes 7 weeks old. Youll be reading lots of posts of her. Heres some pics.


Men's and Women's Fellowship

Ok so heres the down low. We had a men's and wnmen's felowship tonight. And I was asked to come up with a mixer and no not a drink. But some kind of game.I decided to make everyone find 10 things they had in common with 10 other people. The catch was that they could only use the same name once. Oh yeah and they only had 5 minutes. I created mass chaos. It was amazimg!


Staff Retreate

We had our staff retreate. It was amazing! We had an awesome time. God showed up whitch is always amazing. Here are some pics.


My Beautiful Bride

Well this is my soon to be beautiful Bride. AKA my Rib!!!! I love her so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. It's gonna be so awesome to wake up to her incredable face everyday. Minus the morning breath! Well you know what I mean. Hey if you haven;t noticed every time you check out my blog at the top to the right is a counter that counts down to our wedding day. I love her so much you have no idea. Oh and by the way don't tell her I posted about her. She dosen't like me to post about her. But I can't help it. She's so amazing and I'm so in love with her. Let me know what you think....


Who are you?

Well I've always wondered who reads my posts. So if your one of the readers then take a few seconds to holla at me and let me know who you are. Thanks Guys...

Only In St. Francisville

Well imagine our suprise when we look out the window and see this truck with antlers on it. Don't know if you can see them but there there...


Skin in the freezin Cold1

Well today i decided to go with my boy Andrew on False River. Crazy I found that out as I was jumped in the water to ski. I can say that was the stupidest and the funist thing at the same time.


Lunch at the Middle School

Eatin lunch with Big Paul. He always has a smile on hir face.


Brooke likes her Ring Pops.


Fun Times

So Andrew Scott calls me and asks for a favor. He picked me up and we wemt to his moms house to move furniture. But we got there and only had to move a washer dryer and table thing. Not much fun so we improvised.

Staff Meeting

Well this is where we had our staff meeting at today. It was awesome! I sat at a table with Pastor Dino, Pastor Timmy, and Pastor Jason Laird. Three amazing men of God that are filled with so much wisdom it amazes me. It was an awesome start to the day.


Early Morning Prayer 2

Today at early morning prayer was awesome! We talked about Smith Wigglesworth and the amazing things that he did. Ther is so much wisdome in this room. I didnt say anything because i just wanted to soak it all in. And i was tired..


Early Morning Prayer

Well today was the first day of early mornig prayer. I love these guys. Cherrie was there also but after i took the picture.



My boy Fic! He's the man. He's levin in a couple of weeks to go to California to presue a film career. Much love tn you Fic. I'm so proud of you.

New Phone

Well i now have a camera phone again. Be prepared for some picture posts.



Well we are starting Pathfinders this Sunday. And can I just say I am so freakin nervous!!! I mean I've spoken to adults, high school students, primary school students and even middle school students before. But for some strange reason this is diffrent. I'm not sure why.
Can I just tell you I have prepared everythingI could possable think of and I stll know that nothign can prepare me for what God has instore for me in this new saeson of my life.
So if your around the office Sunday at about 6:30 feel free to stop in and say hi... Were gonna have a free ipod noan give a way.
Syand Up Stand Out