eddiejguerra just shared an Instagram photo with you:
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"Nothing like a little daddy daughter time! #stinkingloveher #Drums #MyWorld"
The Instagram Team
In a world that is full of everyone's personal opinions and different beliefs the questions not really who's in charge or even who's job it is. But its will you STAND Up and STAND OUT for what you believe in?
eddiejguerra just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"Nothing like a little daddy daughter time! #stinkingloveher #Drums #MyWorld"
eddiejguerra just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"What's this? A #flappybird contest before service next Wed! @devoted_stfran 1 Chance 2 win a $25 iTunes gift card"
eddiejguerra just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"This is so cool! Could this be the 3rd snowfall in 2014? :) "
eddiejguerra just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"Listening to Pastor @adammccain throwing it down #GreatWord #ManOfGod"